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FX Markets

Learn how the foreign exchange markets allow traders to take positions on currencies around the world, providing open market access, transparency, and security in a variety of contract sizes.

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Euro FX Futures Contract

Get to know Euro FX futures, which allow traders to take positions on the value of the euro versus the U.S. dollar. This contract grants traders wide exposure to the economy of the eurozone, which includes 19 out of the 28 European Union states.

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Japanese Yen Futures Contract

Learn more about the third most commonly traded currency, the yen, and discover how Japanese yen futures allow traders to take a position on the yen versus the U.S. dollar. 

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British Pound Futures Contract

Tap into one of the world's major financial hubs and take a position on the British pound sterling versus the U.S. dollar with British pound futures. 

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Australian Dollar Futures Contract

Discover why Australia's currency keeps its popularity among traders relative to the country's GDP. And learn how Australian dollar futures allow you to trade the value of the Australian dollar versus the U.S. dollar. 

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Canadian Dollar Futures Contract

Learn all about Canadian dollar futures, which allow market participants to trade the Canadian dollar, popularly called the loonie, against the U.S. dollar in a liquid and transparent market.